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Location: Kaarmise küla, Kaarma vald, Saaremaa
The beautiful mysterious veins of earth, the karst dells reach the length of hundred meters here. In the bottom of those dells there are small hollows and funnels swallowing water and hiding it beneath the ground. West from the dells there is the sink h...
Location: Rõuge alevik, Rõuge vald, Võrumaa
Kaarnakivi is a memorial of Estonian writer Juhan Jaik (1899-1948). It was created by famous Estonian sculptor Tiiu Kirsipuu.   According to Juhan Jaik, “a crow’s stone is something that can give anything to the one that finds it and us...
Category: Museums
Location: Tamme küla, Raikküla vald, Raplamaa, 78403
Location: Kabli küla, Häädemeeste vald, Pärnumaa
The Kabli bird station was established in 1969. At that time, Henn Vilbaste, the former director of Nigula Nature Reserve, decided to establish here a Helgoland type bird trap. During the birds autumn migration (August to November), the bird trap ...
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