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Category: Tourism objects
Location: Müüsleri küla, Kareda vald, Järvamaa
In Germany the Gothamites notorious for their unpractical not to say stupid but still funny deeds have been known for 400 years. Fr. R. Kreutzwald, the man who put together the Estonian epos Kalevipoeg, decided to translate the Gothamites' story t...
Location: Suuresilla , Kuressaare linn, Saaremaa, 93810
To reach the Kihelkonna borough a ford on the Põduste river close to the fort had to be crossed. The earliest knowledge of a bridge there originates from the year 1650. It was of wood and replaced by a stony one, the Great Bridge, in 1820. It is one of ...
Category: Tourism objects
Location: Soola tn 5B, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 51013
Location: Nüpli küla, Otepää vald, Valgamaa
The absolute height of Väike or Otepää Munamägi Hill is 207.5 m (relative height exceeds 80 m). Väike Munamägi or the Small Egg Hill is 207.5 meters high. If the weather is clear the view from top of it reaches as far as 50 kilometers. In the wint...
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