Location: Agusalu küla, Illuka vald, Ida-Virumaa, 41211
Agusalu bog preserve in Virumaa is the true animal kingdom,
lynxes, bears, wolves, eagles and other species might walk or fly
by. As surreal as it may seem it was back in the 1960s that one of
the biggest bog islands, Tuusna, was still ha...
Location: Kiidjärve küla, Vastse-Kuuste vald, Põlvamaa, 63604
The River of Ahja is with its calm flow and beautiful nature the best place for the beginners canoe riders. On the other hand in springtime high water time the River of Ahja is of much faster flow and is suitable only for people with previous canoeing e...
Round stones with a diameter of 1.5–7 meters, ash, cuts of burnt
iron on 30 sand bulges. Fishermen from Courland came here to
fish and built themselves these lodgings. When fish became less
foreign fishermen stopped coming. Ruins of chimneys, a...