Rinsi Muhu church is one of two functioning Orthodox Church on Muhu i. Hoping to improve the living conditions nearly 70% of people into turned the 19th century. Orthodoxy in the middle of of children Muhu. 1847 a. Founded Rinsi Muhu church came first, ...
Ristna lighthouse also known as the Lower Dagerort was built in 1874, the Upper
Dagerort being Kõpu lighthouse. It is a good thing the lower one was built because
the upper one sets in the bog and sometimes the fog hides the lighthouse. Ristna
The castle-like Rogosi manor was established around 1600 by Stanislaw Rogosinsky. Later, the manor belonged to the von Glasenapps for a long period of time. The later Baroque main building originates from the end of the 18th century (today ...
Built in 1907 the church had to do without a tower because the czarist clerks did not
allow it to have one. The church was erected with the significant help of the Lithuanian
and Polish railway men. It was left without a congregation after the II ...