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Category: Tourism objects
Location: Hullo küla, Vormsi vald, Läänemaa
Location: Kõue vald, Harjumaa, 75006
Paunküla Water Reservoir in Kõue parish is the second biggest water reservoir and the most island-rich internal body of water in Estonia. The biggest islands are called Seapilli, Tudre, Mustakkannuand Mesipuu island. The water reservoir is a nesting pla...
Location: Oru 2, Elva linn, Tartumaa
The history of watermills in Estonia goes back further than that of windmills. Peedu watermill by the river Elva worked already in the 17th century having a neighboring Nuti mill on the opposite bank. The current mill originates from the 19th century wh...
Location: Karisöödi küla, Mõniste vald, Võrumaa
The main value of the landscape reserve is geological diversity. Sandstone and calcareous walls, steeps, meadows and forests are habitat for 310 plant species many of which are nature conservation objects. There are 15 species of fish in the Peetri r...
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Tourist Attractions

Valgamaa, Sangaste vald
Läänemaa, Noarootsi vald, Sutlepa küla / Sutlep

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