Location: Kolkja alevik, Peipsiääre vald, Tartumaa
This 1883 built Old Believers’ chapel just at the Lake Peipsi was
damaged by a fire at the end of the 20th century. The village its
self was first mentioned in 1592 as Kolko. It still feels – in the midst
of Russian influences and wild nature –...
The Old Believers in Tartu joined together as a congregation in
1740. Since their prominent building was bombed to ruins during
the II World War they settled in in the front hall of their remaining
tower hall. They never gained back the strengt...
Location: Kolkja alevik, Peipsiääre vald, Tartumaa, 60306
Väike-Kolkja Old Believers’ congregation on the shores of the Lake
Peipsi may have existed already in 1740. Old-time church service
books and other little things in the interior create cosy atmosphere.
The fact that people were exchanging their...
Location: Varnja alevik, Peipsiääre vald, Tartumaa, 60302
A big beautiful church at the shore of the Lake Peipsi, built with
the congregation’s own resources in 1903. The majority of the rich
collection of icons originates from the early 20th century. Having
been first mentioned in 1582 Varnja village...