Location: Lossi 1, Põltsamaa linn, Jõgevamaa, 48103
Põltsamaa's stone fortress was constructed on the banks of the river in 1272. Between 1570 and 1578 it was the residence of Livonia's King Magnus. Repeatedly pillages, the castle was rebuilt by Woldemar Johann von Lauw in the 18th century as a grand roc...
Location: Köstri allee 3, Palamuse alevik, Jõgeva vald, Jõgevamaa, 49226
Main building
An overview of the school life of Estonian farmers’ children in the 19th century through the book Kevade (Spring) is displayed in the large exhibition hall of the main building. The story written by Palamuse-born writer Oskar Luts ...
Location: Adavere tuulik, Kalme küla, Põltsamaa vald, Jõgevamaa, 48031
The restaurant is situated in a six-storey Dutch-style windmill. In addition to the cafeteria you can also enjoy art exhibitions by wind turbines over Estonia. We cook simple Estonian food and our moto is offer guests a pleasant pastime, good...