Location: Vabaduse väljak 9, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10142
Adventure golf, equipped with special effects, is an active, gripping and entertaining way to spend leisure time. The goal of the game is to get the ball in the hole with the least possible hits. The winner of tournament will be the player with the leas...
Tallinn City Tour now offers 3 routes as the best way to experience the unique and romantic history of Tallinn. On your way from one stop to the next you will learn what's worth visiting at the next stop and why. And when you catch the next bus, you can...
Starting from the paths of childhood, we go along the way of life, seeking for something beautiful, permanent and eternal. On the way, we have to make choices. Making choices means we may make mistakes, find something new, hurry to somewhere and be atte...