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Vacation in Estonia - Partners


The Exhibition " Back in Time. Life in Soviet Estonia"

Category Free time, Museums, galleries
Toompuiestee 37, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10149
Coordinates 59.439468, 24.736361
GPS: 59° 26' 22" N, 24° 44' 11" E
Mobile (+372) 534 71326
E-mail backinsoviettime@gmail.com

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See also

Location: Komandandi tee 2, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10130
The tower Kiek in de Kök together with the passages of the Ingrian and Swedish bastions is an exciting part of Tallinn historical fortifications. The exhibition of “Kiek in de Kök and Bastion Passages” reopened in March 2010 takes the visitor to ...
Location: Raekoja 4/6, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10146
The Photography Museum is located behind the Tallinn Town Hall in the Town Jail that dates back to the 15th century. Here you can examine the 150-year-old history of photography in Tallinn. The interesting exhibits include numerous photos of the capital...
Category: Free time
Location: Pargi allee 5, Keila-Joa alevik, Lääne-Harju vald, Harjumaa, 76701
History The first manor in Keila-Joa was established already in the beginning of 17th century. During the next 200 years the manor changed hands several times. The situation changed in 1827 when Alexander von Benckendorff became the owner of the...

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