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Vacation in Estonia - Partners


Mahtra Seltsimaja

Category Free time, Accommodation, Dining, Catering, organizing of parties and entertainments
Mahtra küla, Rapla vald, Raplamaa, 79407
Coordinates 59.099426, 25.014601
GPS: 59° 5' 58" N, 25° 0' 53" E
Mobile (+372) 564 92577
E-mail edykirjad@hot.ee

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See also

Category: Dining
Location: Hariduse 3, Rapla linn, Raplamaa, 79513
Marju Cafe offers:   meals by the recipes of our great-grandmothers cakes and pies baked on spot all products are free of harmful additives only natural raw materials are used mushrooms and berries are freshly pi...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Jõe 31a, Rapla linn, Raplamaa, 79513
Jõe Guesthouse is located in a very convenient place: in a quiet neighborhood but still very close to the city center, and how the name would suggest – on the river bank (Jõe = River).   Guesthouse has 10 rooms, and can provide a place ...
Category: Dining
Location: Ööbiku talu, Kuimetsa küla, Rapla vald, Raplamaa, 79302
The chef and host of Ööbiku Gastronomy Farm  Ants Uustalu  is most renowned and appreciated in the world of Estonian cuisine. He values high-quality raw produce, pure tastes and flavours from local farms, classic culinary techniques and fine a...

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Tartumaa, Tartu linn
Harjumaa, Keila vald, Lohusalu küla

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