While walking on the “red carpet” that leads through the palace park to the Film Museum, you will feel like a movie star. The avenue of film and playful artworks along the way will lead visitors through the story of local cinema. This is an introduction...
This is the home for personal narratives about crimes against humanity. Stories like these help us better appreciate justice and freedom.
Pagari 1 is a house with a colourful past. In March 1918, during a time when the newly dec...
Location: Mõisa tee 1, Viimsi vald, Harjumaa, 74001
The Estonian War Museum (EWM) was founded in 1919. After almost half-a-century-long occupation the museum was restored in 2001 as a state museum under the administration of the Ministry of Defence. Today, EWM serves as the leading military history resea...