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Villa & Restaurant Soffa

Category Accommodation, Dining, Hotels, Accommodation Packages, Cafes,bars, Restaurants
Posti 1, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90502
Coordinates 58.945309, 23.538183
GPS: 58° 56' 43" N, 23° 32' 17" E
Phone (+372) 473 4000
E-mail soffa@soffa.ee

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Category: Dining
Location: Karja 2, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90503
Talumehe Pub is a catering establishment located in the beautiful old town of Haapsalu. We open early in the morning to welcome you with a friendly smile, a cup of coffee and our breakfast menu.   The main menu includes delicious food made...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Kalda 19, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90503
Kongo hotel is located in the old town of Haapsalu and is easily accessible by car. The hotel has free parking spaces. There are 21 rooms available and with extra beds up to 50 guests can be accommodated. The rooms are spacious, sunny and in the style o...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Lai 7, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90503
We offer accommodation for up to 40 people in 20 rooms with all modern conveniences and a delicious breakfast. Our two buildings are located on the beautyful shore of the Haapsalu Bay.      

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