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Tartu Toy Museum

Category Museums, galleries, Free time, Architectural sightseeings
Lutsu 8, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 51006
Coordinates 58.382111, 26.718018
GPS: 58° 22' 56" N, 26° 43' 5" E
Phone (+372) 746 1777
E-mail muuseum@mm.ee

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See also

Location: Elistvere küla, Tartu vald, Tartumaa, 49103
Elistvere Nature Centre is situated in RMK Tartu–Jõgeva Recreation Area, on the second floor of the entrance building of the highly popular Elistvere Animal Park. Elistvere Animal Park was established in 1997 and aims to share nature education and offer...
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Location: Laulupeo pst 15, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 50050
Tartu is the birthplace of Estonian beer industry and has been a beer town for nearly a thousand years. In order to perpetuate the history of industrial brewing, the Beer Museum was opened on July 1, 2003. The Beer Museum is located on the territory of ...

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