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Victoria Hotell

Category Accommodation, Dining, Hotels, Accommodation Packages, Restaurants
Kuninga 25, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80014
Coordinates 58.383972, 24.502417
GPS: 58° 23' 2" N, 24° 30' 9" E
Phone (+372) 444 3412
E-mail info@victoriahotel.ee

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Category: Dining
Location: Kuninga 36, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80014
This restaurant is situated in the centre of Pärnu. Its menu is one long list of Georgian delicacies, perfect for sampling on a summer day or sultry evening. From light salads and delicious soups to something skewered and flame-grilled, there's somet...
Category: Dining
Location: Nikolai 24, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80011
Welcome to Steffani Pizza Restaurant where delicious food smells stimulate your senses, where the abundance and harmony of colours rejoices your eyes, ehere everything radiates warmth, cosiness and pleasant feelings.
Category: Accommodation
Location: Kuninga 38, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80014
Koidulapark Hotel is a hotel with 39 rooms situated in the center of Pärnu town Koidula park, right next to the green Koidula park. The hotel owns a Green Key quality label. Famous Pärnu beach is just 10 minutes walking from the hotel. The hotel h...

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