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Nopri Dairy Farm

Category Dining, Recreation farms
Kärinä küla, Rõuge vald, Võrumaa, 65041
Coordinates 57.646927, 27.200506
GPS: 57° 38' 49" N, 27° 12' 2" E
Mobile (+372) 517 2478
E-mail info@nopri.ee

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See also

Category: Accommodation
Location: Koloreino küla, Võru vald, Võrumaa, 65512
This recreation centre, situated on the slopes of the ancient Kütioru Valley in Haanja Nature Reserve, offers accommodation and catering services as well as a range of options for active and nature-based recreation all year round. Here you will find a v...
Category: Dining
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In the centre of Võru beside the main road is the guesthouse-pub Ränduri. The cosy rooms of guesthouse are on the second and third floor. There is a large parking lot just in front of the house. There are 10 rooms in guesthouse. Second floor's six rooms...
Category: Accommodation
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Kuningatalu Holiday Home is located across Lake Tamula, when viewed from the park on the banks of the lake in Võru. At our holiday home you can rest in quite natural surroundings, although the town is just nearby. The open space, numerous sports activit...

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