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Puhu shop

Category Dining, Shops & services, Catering, organizing of parties and entertainments
Jõgeva mnt 27, Põltsamaa vald, Jõgevamaa, 48107
Coordinates 58.663723, 25.990725
GPS: 58° 39' 49" N, 25° 59' 27" E
Phone (+372) 776 9277
Mobile (+372) 529 8189
E-mail puhu.pood@gmail.com

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See also

Category: Accommodation
Location: Kase, Kõpu küla, Põltsamaa vald, Jõgevamaa, 48208
The private and relaxing ambiance of Kase Tourist Farm offers excellent possibilities for a holiday and for celebrating various events. In the farm house, you can hold small and large events. For this purpose, we can provide a large room with a ki...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Veski 1, Põltsamaa linn, Jõgevamaa, 48106
lies on a picturesque riverbank of the Põltsamaa River in the centre of the town called Põltsamaa.  Põltsamaa is a small green town with a beautiful river and 17 white bridges.  In the centre of the town there is a lovely rose island to go fo...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Kantküla, Jõgeva vald, Jõgevamaa, 48526
Veski Guesthouse is comfy and peaceful stopover in Võrumaa, in a small Southern-Estonian town called Antsla. After  complete renovation of the building (built in 1934) in 2007, we offer quality accommodation and catering together with  leisure...

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