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Pedase Recreation Centre and Hotel

Category Accommodation, Dining, Hotels, Accommodation Packages, Recreation Centers, Catering, organizing of parties and entertainments, Saunas, Guesthouses
Pedase küla, Lääne-Harju vald, Harjumaa, 76014
Coordinates 59.271820, 23.899353
GPS: 59° 16' 19" N, 23° 53' 58" E
Phone (+372) 671 6332
E-mail pedase@pedase.ee

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Category: Accommodation
Location: Kallaste talu, Kasepere küla, Lääne-Harju vald, Harjumaa, 76007
The kind host family invites You to spend your holidays here. The farm is located in an ancient forest near the river Kloostri. Enjoy our facilities in beautiful surroundings!
Location: Kiruvere, Kiruvere küla, Kose vald, Harjumaa, 75001
Paunküla holiday centre is situated on the shores of Paunküla reservoir, which is dotted with picturesque little islands. The complex includes the Hunter’s Cabin, the smaller Fisherman’s Sauna, a large sheltered area, a dancing area with a stage, small ...
Category: Dining
Location: Oru küla, Kose vald, Harjumaa, 75103

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