Location: Pühavaimu 13/15, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa
Suite Lounge – a classy afternoon in the House of Lords and a wide selection of cigars and spirtis
Ringed by massive stone walls, the Suite Lounge has an inviting atmosphere that makes it the perfect place to while away an afternoon...
While walking on the “red carpet” that leads through the palace park to the Film Museum, you will feel like a movie star. The avenue of film and playful artworks along the way will lead visitors through the story of local cinema. This is an introduction...
Tallinn City Tour now offers 3 routes as the best way to experience the unique and romantic history of Tallinn. On your way from one stop to the next you will learn what's worth visiting at the next stop and why. And when you catch the next bus, you can...