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Roosta Holiday Village

Category Accommodation, Dining, Free time, Camping sites, Accommodation Packages, Recreation Centers, Campsites for tents, Catering, organizing of parties and entertainments, Cafes,bars, Horse riding, Saunas, Active tourism, Adventure Park
Elbiku küla / Ölbäck, Lääne-Nigula vald, Läänemaa, 91202
Coordinates 59.158611, 23.520279
GPS: 59° 9' 31" N, 23° 31' 13" E
Phone (+372) 472 5190
Mobile (+372) 525 6699
E-mail roosta@roosta.ee

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See also

Category: Free time
Location: Lihula mnt 10, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90507
Company Haapsalu Linna Spordibaasid OÜ is established by Town Council of Haapsalu and registred in 06.09.2001. Company is 100% owned by the town. The main activities are organizing sports and cultural events, training camps; admi...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Pusku küla, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90440
Category: Dining
Location: Lossi tn 1, Uuemõisa alevik, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90401
Aliide Bakery in Uuemõisa, Western Estonia, offers all sorts of fresh rady-made pastries and bakes items according to your expectations.   Open:   Tu-F 7.45 - 14 Sa     9 - 15

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