Location: Kirikumäe küla, Vastseliina vald, Võrumaa
The reserve covers Kirikumäe lake, which is rich in rare species, Järvesuu bog and local landscape with small forest lakes.
One of the hiking trails runs along the coastline of Kirikumäe lake, another runs through the bog and forest. ...
Kisejärve landscape reserve lies in Misso parish and has been created to protect the seven naturally beautiful local lakes. Scientifically the most interesting of the lakes is Pahijärv which has more than 15 rare species of algae that usually grows only...
In the center of Kodru bog and its many pools there is lake Vibujärv its name referring to
bow in Estonian. The name probably hints at the lake's out of ordinary shape. The bog
is surrounded by bog islands -- as surreal as it may seem it was back ...
The Lake of Women in Koigi bog is told to have come into being from the tears cryed
by women. Koigi lake on the other hand sets on the spot that two estate owners had a
quarrel after which a manor ended up in the bottom of the lake for some reason...