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Location: Kõpu küla, Tõstamaa vald, Pärnumaa
The imposing Pootsi-Kõpu Holy Trinity Apostolic Orthodox Church is made of natural stone and decorated with large domes. It was built in 1873. The church has a baroque atmosphere and it is rather unique in Pärnu County in architectural terms as there is...
Location: Porkuni küla, Tamsalu vald, Lääne-Virumaa
Location: Ellamaa küla, Nissi vald, Harjumaa
The post mill in Ellamaa is one of the few that have survived in coastal Estonia, though it too has lost its wings. When Ellamaa windmill was built in 1851 it was not done in the village it situates now – it has travelled around a bit which is ...
Location: Prangli saar, Kelnase küla, Viimsi vald, Harjumaa
The first records are from 1387 as when the island was called Rango. The first Settlers came from Sweden. The Estonian culture spread to the island in the 17th century. Prangli is part of  Viimsi Parish. In Kelnase is a harbour which is connec...
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