Location: Vetepere küla, Albu vald, Järvamaa, 73416
The Anton Hansen Tammsaare (1878 – 1940) Museum was established in the writer’s birthplace in 1958. A restored traditional farmhouse, barn, cottagers’ house, fences were added at the same location in 1978, along with hiking trails in the surrounding bog...
Location: Lossi 10, Alatskivi vald, Tartumaa, 60201
The manor was first mentioned in 1601. Von Nolckens received it as a dowry in 1870. When Arved von Nolcken returned from a trip to Scotland, inspired by Balmoral, one of the residencies of the British royal family, he decided to erect a copy of it in Al...
In 1925, as many as 9 windmills were standing on the top of Windmill Mountain. Five of them, having survived until today, also give a powerful impression. Four out of the five Angla windmills are typical trestle windmills, characteristic of Island Saare...
Known as both the Dome Church and St. Marys in English, Toomkirik was founded on Toompea Hill by the Danes way back in the 13th Century, and is said to be Estonia's oldest church. Apart from that claim to fame, the still-functioning Toomkirik is also re...