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Category: Tourism objects
Location: Nurme tee 3, Pringi küla, Viimsi vald, Harjumaa, 74011
The Museum of Coastal Folk is situated in the old coastal village of Pringi in Viimsi. Here, in a cosy old schoolhouse where the museum has found its home, the harmony of the convergence of land, sea and humans shines and the charming nature of simpli...
Location: Sadama 31/32, Haapsalu linn, Läänemaa, 90502
This museum in Haapsalu introduces the thousand-year-old settlements of the coastal Swedes in Estonia. In the house inaugurated by the King of Sweden, you can acquaint yourself with their unique cultural heritage and see a 20-metre embroidered rug that ...
Category: Dining
Location: Jäneda küla, Tapa vald, Lääne-Virumaa, 73602
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Jõgevamaa, Põltsamaa vald, Kalme küla

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