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Vacation in Estonia - Partners

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Category: Active tourism
Location: Kassioru puhkemaja, Valgemetsa küla, Põlva vald, Põlvamaa, 63610
Kanuuretk.ee invites you to discover the beutiful Kiidjärve-Taevaskoja recreation area and enjoy canoeing on the Ahja and Võhandu rivers.   Your safety during the trips is secured by a professional and well-experienced team.  ...
Location: Poordi 3, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10156
Category: Accommodation
Location: Laiusevälja küla, Jõgeva vald, Jõgevamaa, 48404
Laiusevälja in Jõgeva County is an authentic Estonian village with fields of grazing animals and dusty roads in summer lined with stalks of grain. The courtyard of Karu Holiday Home is designed to look like it would have done last century, replete with ...
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Eesti kaart

Tourist Attractions

Harjumaa, Kuusalu vald, Allika küla
Harjumaa, Viimsi vald, Lääneotsa küla

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