Erected in the memory of the victims of the Soviet political repressions the memorial
sets in front of the railway station – the point of no return for thousands of Estonians
deported to Siberia. Transport costs were kept low – cattle
cars were...
Location: Ülikooli ja Gildi tänava nurgal, Tartu linn, Tartumaa
Jaan Tõnisson was an Estonian statesman who served as a member of parliament, a Prime Minister and a Foreign Minister. Soviet authorities arrested him in autumn 1940 and the whereabouts of him after that has remained unknown.
On the Valentine Day of 1944 a landing was launched from the island Lavansaare. The
600 men had a goal to close in the Germans in Narva. 56 out of the 600 drowned after
jumping to the water, heavy rubber-suits tore their torso under-water, pushing...
Estonia sank during the first ours of September 28 in 1994. Only 137 passengers out of
852 were saved, no children were among them. The monument at Tahkuna cape, the
closest land to their grave in the sea stands in the memory of all the children v...